
All courses on this page are pre-approved. It’s your responsibility to find out when a course is offered and make sure you have the necessary prerequisites and preparation to take a course. For other 400 and 500 level courses not listed below, you’ll need approval from the MSFE program.

Not every course is offered every semester. It’s important that you plan ahead and learn in what semesters your courses of interest are typically offered. To see in what semesters a course has been offered historically, visit http://catalog.illinois.edu/courses-of-instruction/, click the corresponding department and then the course title. It’ll show all semesters this course has been offered. E.g., for IE 525, it shows

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To see whether a particular course is offered during an upcoming semester, visit https://courses.illinois.edu/schedule, click the year, then the semester, then the department.

MSFE students are afforded considerable flexibility in choosing electives within the program and have an additional option of obtaining a concentration within the MSFE program.

Electives must be at the 400 or 500 level to meet graduation requirements. The elective courses must also be relevant to the Financial Engineering curriculum with approval from the department. Students have the option to choose from electives with MSFE priority designation or other popular electives across the campus.

For a complete list of the official MSFE Program Requirements, please refer to the Academic Catalog.

Electives with MSFE priority designationd
Course title and description Credit Hours
IE 421 Special Topics - High Frequency Trading 
IE 517  Machine Learning in Finance Lab 
IE 524 Optimization in Finance Section B (2nd half of semester)
IE 598  Special Topics - Computer Science for Quants
FIN 517  Advanced Term Structure Models (2nd half of semester)
FIN 554  Algorithmic Trading Systems Design & Testing
FIN 566 Algorithmic Market Microstructure
FIN 580 Special Topics in Finance - Option Trading Market Making

d These courses are taught by practitioners and industry experts. MSFE students are given priority registration for these courses.

Other Popular Campus Electives 
ACE 427 Commodity Price Analysis
ACE 520 Time Series Econometrics for Price Analysis
ACE 527 Advanced Price Analysis
ACE 528 Research in Futures Markets
BDI 411 Blockchain, Tokens, and Their Application in Business
CS 412 Introduction to Data Mining
CS 440 Artificial Intelligence
CS 441 Applied Machine Learning
CS 444 Deep Learning for Computer Vision
CS 446 Machine Learning
CS 447 Natural Language Processing
CS 450 Numerical Analysis
CS 473 Algorithms
CS 484 Parallel Programming
CS 512 Data Mining Principles
CS 542 Statistical Reinforcement Learning
CS 545 Machine Learning for Signal Processing
CS 555 Numerical Methods for PDEs
ECE 513 Vector Matrix Signal
ECE 534 Random Processes 
ECE 590 Arch./Compilers/Parallel Comp (Special Topics)
FIN 501 Economics of Stock Market Fundamentals
FIN 504 Accounting for Financial Analysis
FIN 511 Investments
FIN 515 Fixed Income Portfolios
FIN 518 Financial Modeling
FIN 526 Investment Banking
FIN 527 Mergers & Acquisitions Topics 
FIN 529 Applied Financial Analysis
FIN 551 International Finance
FIN 559 Advanced Data Science and Python for Finance 
FIN 572 The Finance of Mergers and Acquisitions
FIN 589 Applied Portfolio Management
IE 405 Computing for ISE (Algorithm Design, C++, SQL)
IE 434 Deep Learning Math and Applications
IE 518 Queuing Systems
IE 598 Special Topics:  Collective Decision Making
IS 457 Data Storytelling
MATH 561 Theory of Probability I 
MATH 564 Applied Stochastic Processes 
STAT 425 Statistical Modeling I
STAT 429 Time Series Analysis
STAT 430 Machine Learning w/ Time Series 
STAT 431 Applied Bayesian Analysis
STAT 432 Basics of Statistical Learning
STAT 437  Unsupervised Learning
STAT 447 Data Science Programming Methods
STAT 448 Advanced Data Analysis
STAT 480 Data Science Foundations
STAT 525 Computational Statistics
STAT 542 Statistical Learning
STAT 556 Advanced Time Series Analysis

STAT 578 High Dimensional Statistics

eOther courses may be considered and requested of the program director.